Coping in the Aftermath of Employment Transitions

February 25, 2019      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
Coping in the Aftermath of Employment Transitions

The transition from gainfully employed to suddenly unemployed will undoubtedly be difficult, and the employee assistance program (EAP) through ACI Specialty Benefits offers some steps to help navigate this change. 

  1. Take time. It is normal to experience a wide range of emotional reactions in the aftermath of a layoff or reduction in force, including but not limited to shock, anger, confusion, fear, betrayal, rejection, relief, uncertainty, and shame. It is important to give yourself time and permission to process the full range of emotions, grieve the loss, and fully accept what has happened. 
  2. Regroup. Get clear information about a potential severance package, health insurance, job search assistance, unemployment benefits or any other support services available. Take stock of personal finances and assess changes that can be made in the short-term to cover any income loss. 
  3. Talk. Speak confidentially to EAP clinicians about your experience and gain insight on how to cope. ACI’s EAP clinicians can even offer communication tools to help explain the change to friends, family, and other colleagues. It is also a good idea to be selective in opening up to others, as some people may not have the best intentions.   
  4. Let people help. Most people want to help, but may not be sure what exactly to do. If offers to help with recommendations, job search referrals or practical solutions come up, accept what would be most helpful. It is also ok to say, “I appreciate the offer, but that is not what I need at this time.”  
  5. Trust yourself. Challenging times offer an opportunity to connect with the deep inner core self, make a clear decision about the best way to move forward, and take ownership of your life. It is a time to focus on a career plan based on your life goals and personal circumstances.

The only way through change is through. It is a process, often full of hardship, setbacks and growing pains, and every person and situation is unique. For personalized support in coping with a layoff, learning communication tools, referrals to career transition specialists, and even financial consultation, contact your employee assistance program through ACI Specialty Benefits: 800.932.0034 or The program is 100% confidential, free to use, and open to all family members.