4 Ways to Out-Smart Stress Traps

June 5, 2012      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
4 Ways to Out-Smart Stress Traps

According to recent studies, 70 percent of people make a beeline for fast-acting, unhealthy stress solutions.  Next time, sub in one of these much better anxiety busters.

  • Tempted to dig into a bag of chips?
    Try this instead: Grab a handful of almonds.  The omega-3s in nuts may help keep stress hormones, such as cortisol, in check. Also try oatmeal or oranges.
  • Tempted to swig an energy drink?
    Try this instead: Take a nap.  You can’t beat stress without shut-eye.  A 20-minute nap is enough to trigger the hormones needed to balance excess cortisol.
  • Tempted to curl up on the sofa?
    Try this instead: Go out with a friend. Simply being around other people can effectively squash stress.
  • Tempted to reach for the remote?
    Try this instead: Spend 15 minutes in silence.  Give your brain a much-needed break from listening to stressful sounds.

Source: MSNBC Health