5 Strategies to Prevent Burnout

April 26, 2017      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
5 Strategies to Prevent Burnout

Burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion caused by long-term and/or high levels of stress. Burnout can leave a person feeling overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands. People suffering from burnout may begin to lose interest in their jobs, family and friends, and hobbies or activities.

For anyone experiencing high levels of stress at home, at work, or both, here are some strategies to prevent burnout and its consequences.

  1. Take time out. Set aside time every day to unplug from work or home stress. Take a walk. Read a book. Practice yoga. Fifteen or 30 minutes of non-work activity can have a balancing and restorative effect, and provide perspective on the day’s stressors.
  2. Find supporters. Make a list of supportive people in your life, a network of people to lean on, talk to, vent with, and ask for help. Maintaining a support network is an important part of managing stress.
  3. Delegate! Create a list of small tasks, both personal and job-related, that can be delegated to someone else. Ask family members or coworkers to help, or outsource tasks like grocery shopping to a meal delivery service.
  4. Create safe zones. Find places of serenity and calm to retreat, restore and refresh. Turn the car into a safe haven by listening to calming music. Find a place at home or at the office to sit down with a cup of tea and relax. Even a picture of a beach on a wall or desk can act as a mental break.
  5. Nurture well-being. Take responsibility for your physical well-being. Go to bed early. Eat clean, healthy meals. Take vitamins daily. Take care of your body, like any appliance or machine, and it will last much longer.

Many people are successful at managing work-life balance. Having a positive attitude and interacting with other positive people can help tremendously. If you are feeling symptoms of burnout, contact your EAP for more information about the support and resources available to help.

ACI Specialty Benefits provides a contemporary and confidential Employee Assistance Program (EAP) including stress management and mental/emotional support to help employees and families thrive. Contact 800.932.0034 or eapinfo@acispecialtybenefits.com to get started!
