5 Ways to Improve Performance

October 21, 2015      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
5 Ways to Improve Performance

Most people spend their days juggling  multiple responsibilities at once. At work, people are simultaneously on a conference call, emailing and updating to-do lists. At home, people fold laundry while watching TV and ordering dinner. While multitasking is done in the name of efficiency, it often means doing many things poorly or not at all.

Studies show multitasking can actually impair short-term memory and interfere with mental processing. Here are five tips to retrain the brain and improve performance at work, at home and in life:

    1. Prioritize

Large tasks are usually more difficult, require deep critical thinking and analysis, and can seem daunting. Tackle these tasks first, early in the day and early in the week. When hitting a roadblock, avoid the temptation to switch to an easier task, and stick with it.

    1. Forget perfection

When planning the day, be realistic. Set out to achieve three major goals, but leave enough time and flexibility in daily planning to address last-minute needs or account for unanticipated delays. Instead of letting a setback cause stress and crush productivity, focus on solutions and stay motivated on achieving goals.

    1. Clear space

A cluttered space creates a cluttered mind. Clear out stacks of papers, put rarely used office supplies in drawers, and clear out clutter at home. Maintaining a clean space helps limit distraction and boost concentration.

    1. Learn to say “No”

Consider your schedule, work goals, and personal responsibilities before agreeing to take on new tasks. Make sure there is enough time for current tasks and priorities before adding new commitments.

    1. Make personal time

Start the day with a ritual that clears your mind, like stretching, yoga or enjoying a cup of coffee on the patio. Taking a quick walk outdoors can offer a great midday mental boost and prevent an afternoon slump. Before walking in the door at home, take a few deep breaths to let go of the day’s stress, switch gears and enjoy the evening.

Want more performance improvement tips? Contact your EAP today for additional support and resources. Services are complimentary and available to all family members!

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