7 Good Reasons to Smile

February 19, 2013      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
7 Good Reasons to Smile

Your face has 44 muscles in it that allow you make more than 5,000 different expressions, many of which are smiles. Read on for seven reasons why smiling is good for you, your health and your social life!

  • Smiling can make you happy
  • Smiling can make others happy
  • Smiling makes you more attractive
  • Smiling can help you de-stress
  • Smiling can help you land a job
  • Smiling can lead to laughter
  • Smiling just feels good

So the next time you’re feeling down or out of sorts, try a smile. If you can’t find a reason to smile, pop in a funny DVD, read the Sunday comics or call a friend.

Source: sparkpeople.com; 7 Good Reasons to Smile