Back to School at Any Age!

August 15, 2013      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
Back to School at Any Age!

Summer’s nearly over and it’s time to bundle the kids with their obligatory teacher’s apple to the bus stop. But could it be time to hit the books yourself? Be prepared for school with this quick breakdown for parents and students of any age.

Grade School.

End of summer is a dreaded time for kids and parents alike. For total school year success, help kids make the most of a happy, healthy school year by packing the following bag for them and for you:

  • Keep kids feeling energized with a vibrant array of healthy, colorful foods like berries, carrots, pea pods, and oranges.
  • Get heart rates up with a family outdoor activity before sitting down to homework.
  • Head off the homework drama by working with children to create everyday after-school routines.

High School.

Teens can stress as much – and sometimes even more – than adults. The best advice for teens? Try to do one thing once a week that brings joy, away from school and just for themselves. Adults can even take a page from the book on stress relief:

  • When feeling overwhelmed, be mindful to do one thing at a time.
  • Teens have a lot to worry about, from homework to making friends to learning who they are. Adults going back to school can feel the same way. Reduce pressure whenever possible.
  • Lead by example by refusing to get stuck in old patterns. Be open to new experiences and see things as they are, not as they used to be or how you expect them to be. Teens will take the hint without needing a lecture on their attitude.

College…And Beyond.

Going back to school can be daunting when there are many more responsibilities to juggle. But it can also be a fulfilling, enriching experience. Make the most of it with this checklist:

  • Socialize online or in-person (ideally both!) with other adults going back to school. That support group can be invaluable in venting school stress or getting some ideas on homework assignments.
  • Talk with a teacher about the workload. Once enrolled, get feedback to see how you’re doing and where you could improve.
  • It’s hard to juggle an adult’s responsibilities while going to school. Keep a schedule in plain sight so family members won’t bother during study time, and know when to expect your free time.

Make back to school a success, no matter your age. For child care referrals, family therapists, study resources geared just for adults and more, contact the Work/Life team at ACI Specialty Benefits at 800.932.0034 or