Dining al Desko

May 24, 2017      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
Dining al Desko

Dining al Desko, i.e. eating lunch in front of the computer, may not be the healthiest habit, but sometimes it is unavoidable. If working lunches happen frequently, consider stocking a mini pantry to keep hunger at bay, stay focused, and still eat deliciously.

  • Keep a water bottle nearby to stay hydrated. Add flavor with sliced cucumbers, mint, berries and more.
  • Bring fresh lemons to squeeze over meals and wake up soups or salads. Save a few lemon slices for the water bottle!
  • Keep mini containers of sea salt, pepper and other seasonings on hand to avoid bland food.
  • Stow a small bottle of extra virgin olive oil for a drizzle of healthy fat on almost anything.
  • Use a dash of hot sauce to spice up meals and snacks.

If possible, get away from the desk altogether. After sprucing up a meal with these new desk-pantry staples, invite a coworker to sit down at a proper table and connect.

For additional total well-being resources, contact your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provided by ACI Specialty Benefits at 800.932.0034 or eapinfo@acispecialtybenefits.com.
