Easy Ways to Sneak Fitness into Your Day

January 12, 2015      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
Easy Ways to Sneak Fitness into Your Day

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week! These days, leading an active, healthy lifestyle can be a challenge when balancing both work and a personal life. However, you don’t need to set aside a large portion of your day to fit in physical activity. Make fitness a healthy habit by sneaking these activities into your everyday life!

  1. Walk to lunch
  2. Park a little farther when running errands
  3. Stand up during conference calls and meetings. Better yet – do some calf-raisers or squats!
  4. Switch out your desk chair for a stability ball
  5. Take the longer route to the kitchen, the restroom, or your co-worker’s cubicle