Eat This, Cure That! 3 Natural Remedies

September 23, 2013      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
Eat This, Cure That! 3 Natural Remedies

Food is a great natural medicine and not just in the self-medicating-with-chocolate way. Your pantry is full of powerful healers. Next time, try these food cures before popping a pill.

Studies have found that it can help alleviate a scratchy throat and hack attacks. Stir two teaspoons of honey into warm water or herbal tea and sip a cup.

Noshing on the sweet green flesh before going to bed may boost levels of serotonin, a sleep-inducing neurotransmitter that delivers an express ticket to dreamland.

Pumpkin Seeds
If your brain often feels like it’s been in a fender bender, reach for a handful of these seeds. They’re a leading source of magnesium, a mineral whose deficiency is common in individuals with increased migraine frequency.