Face the Music: Upbeat Songs Can Lower Blood Pressure

October 8, 2012      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
Face the Music: Upbeat Songs Can Lower Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is one of the highest risk factors for developing heart disease and can be brought on by unhealthy diet, lack of exercise and high stress levels. Fortunately, research is now showing that listening to music can decrease blood pressure! However, not every form of music has this artery relaxing effect.

Studies show that people who listened to upbeat music were able to decrease their blood pressure more than those who listened to soothing music. So throw on those headphones and crank up the tunes when you start feeling stressed!

Source: http://healthnews.ediets.com/health-topics/heart-smart/face-the-music-upbeat-songs-can-lower-blood-pressure.html