Food Fight: Ice Cream vs Frozen Yogurt

July 28, 2014      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
Food Fight: Ice Cream vs Frozen Yogurt

These two dairy treats have become a staple during the summertime months. Even though they look and taste very similar, there is a significant difference between the two desserts.  For a product to be labeled as “ice cream” it must contain at least 10% milk fat. This is usually obtained by adding cream to the product. Frozen yogurt, on the other hand, is not made with cream, does not have a fat requirement, and is produced with cultured milk. Though you may not see the difference in the calories, you will see a difference in the grams of fat:

Vanilla Ice Cream:
Serving Size: 1 Cup
275 calories
5 grams of protein
31 grams of carbohydrates
15 grams of fat
9 grams of saturated fat

Vanilla Frozen Yogurt:
Serving Size: 1 cup
221 calories,
5 grams of protein
38 grams of carbohydrates
6 grams of fat
4 grams of saturated fat

Both are pretty similar but, as we can see, the frozen yogurt is a little lighter on the calories and the fat. However, everything can be enjoyed in moderation! So, if your goal includes watching your fat intake, frozen yogurt may be the better choice for you in this food fight!
