From The Core: Best and Worst Foods to Battle Allergies

July 2, 2013      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
From The Core: Best and Worst Foods to Battle Allergies

Due to the climate change, this season has been a worse-than-average one when it comes to allergies. This means more sniffling, sneezing, coughing, scratchy throats and watery eyes! Fortunately, avoiding certain foods and adding others can help decrease the severity of allergy symptoms as well as decrease the likelihood of developing allergies.

The Best Foods For Fighting Allergies

Fish: packed with omega-3 fatty acids, fish has strong anti-inflammatory properties to

help reduce the severity of allergy symptoms.

Apples: as an excellent source of vitamin C, apples help to protect against allergies and asthma. What’s more? Quercetin, the compound in the apple skin, has been shown to improve lung function!

Warm Liquids: whether it is warm tea or chicken soup, warm liquids help to thin

mucus congestion.

Red Grapes: red grapes contain resveratrol, an antioxidant with strong anti-inflammatory properties to help decrease annoying nasal allergy symptoms.

The Worst

Celery: those with grass allergies should avoid celery, peaches, tomatoes and melons as

these foods contain some of the same allergy triggers. 

Spicy Foods: capsaicin, the compound that gives hot peppers their kick, has been
shown to cause allergy-like symptoms, thus making the sniffles even worse.

Alcohol: there is some naturally-occurring histamine, the body chemical responsible for

allergy symptoms, in alcohol so try to avoid alcohol when experiencing allergy symptoms.

For any health and wellness information contact a CORE Wellness Coach at (800) 932-0034 or email