Healthy Travel Tips

April 11, 2017      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
Healthy Travel Tips

Whether flying or driving this summer, use these travel tips to stay healthy and happy.

  1. Get a full night of rest the evening prior to the trip. Shoot for a minimum of 6 hours of sleep to keep from feeling sluggish at the airport or sleepy behind the wheel.
  2. Avoid germs by getting checkups and vaccinations before travel to prevent the spread of disease.
  3. Remember to wash hands often at the airport or gas station. Pack hand sanitizer to use in case there is no sink nearby.
  4. Pack healthy snacks like fruit or sliced veggies in a carry-on bag or pick up a salad to go from the airport terminal. Limit high fat and sugary foods to stay healthy during the holidays.
  5. Stay hydrated. Pack an empty water bottle to fill after getting through TSA or a full bottle of water for the car ride. Say no to in-flight caffeinated beverages to avoid dehydration and fatigue.
  6. Be active by walking around the airport or making several trips down the aisle during a flight. If driving, stretch legs and take a quick walk while filling up on gas or at a rest stop. Try to take a break every 2-3 hours.
  7. Stay active by planning family activities around fitness. Organize activities earlier in the day to make sure there is time for them, or enjoy a family walk after dinner in the evening.
  8. Manage stress and remember that vacations are for relaxing, spending time with family and friends, and having new experiences.

For additional total well-being resources, contact your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provided by ACI Specialty Benefits at 800.932.0034 or
