Healthy Weight Month

October 28, 2016      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
Healthy Weight Month

Maintaining a healthy body weight is important for overall health. As people gain weight, their risk for high blood pressure, diabetes, high blood cholesterol and heart disease all increase.

For adults, preventing weight gain along with age is critical, no matter current body weight. People who are overweight or obese may need to lose weight to improve their health.

Body mass index or BMI is a measure of how much a person weighs in comparison to height. Knowing one’s BMI helps determine if an individual is at a healthy weight for his/her height.

Changing the approach to controlling weight can lead to more successful weight management. Setting the right goals and focusing on lifestyle changes are effective approaches.

Maintain a Healthy Diet
To prevent weight gain, choose foods that supply the appropriate number of calories to maintain weight or lose weight. This number varies person to person and depends on many factors.

Get Moving
Adding more physical activity during the day will increase the amount of calories burned. This makes easier to maintain a healthy weight.

It may be helpful to step on the scale on a regular basis. This makes small weight gains apparent more quickly, so a person can take corrective action. If a few pounds creep on, take the time to examine habits and lifestyle.

