Holiday Eating is Over! 5 Ways to Control Portions

January 7, 2013      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
Holiday Eating is Over! 5 Ways to Control Portions

1. Break Leftovers Down: Use single-serving containers to put leftovers in to limit food intake on your next meal.

2. Say Yes to Salads: Eating a salad before lunch or dinner will help curb your appetite and give you a sense of satiety sooner.

3. Keep Seconds Out of Sight: Remember, it takes about 20 minutes to feel satiated, so wait to see if you are truly hungry for seconds.

4. Eyeball Serving Standards: Keep these portion size tips in mind: 3 oz. of meat is the size of a deck of cards; 1 cup of potatoes, rice or pasta looks like a tennis ball.

5. Treat Yourself: Treating yourself once in a while to a “forbidden” food will keep you from feeling deprived. Stop a binge before it starts by indulging every now and then.

Source:, Top 10 Ways to Control Portions