How To Curb Late Night Cravings

August 18, 2014      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
How To Curb Late Night Cravings

Do you eat late into the night? You are not alone! Many people crave junk food before bed! Try to kick the habit with these few tips!

• Eat breakfast – eat a meal that includes protein within 90 minutes of waking up!

• Eat a fiber rich dinner – fiber keeps you full later into the night and can curb cravings.

• Choose your location – Limit all eating to the kitchen or dining room, and always eat while sitting down at the table.

• Keep tempting foods out of the house – out of sight out of mind! If the food isn’t in the house, you cannot eat it!

• Sooth your stress – overeating can be caused by stress. Take a bath, cuddle up in a blanket with a movie, sip on some herbal tea, or smell lavender.

• Keep yourself busy -start a craft project, do your ironing, knitting, hang out with your pet, or enjoy an evening walk with a friend.

