Improve Mental Health with Physical Activity

October 10, 2016      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
Improve Mental Health with Physical Activity


There are many reasons why physical activity is good for the body, including having a healthy heart and joint mobility. Physical activity is also good for mental health. Experts believe that exercise releases “feel good” chemicals in the brain, aka endorphins! Regular exercise can also boost self-esteem and improve concentration, sleep and overall well-being. Physical activity can have other benefits as well, including the opportunity to meet new people, take a well-deserved break from the hectic daily routine, enjoy much-needed personal time.

How active do adults need to be?

  • Adults (18-64+ years old) need at least 150 minutes each week (30 minutes on 5 days) of moderate intensity aerobic activity and at least 2 days per week of strength training activity.

What are the best ways to increase physical activity?

  • Aerobic Activities:
    • Moderate effort: biking slowly, canoeing, ballroom dancing, general gardening, walking briskly and water aerobic
    • Vigorous effort: basketball, jumping rope, running or bicycling hills and swimming laps.
  • Muscle Strengthening Activities:
    • Work all major muscle groups (legs, hips, back, chest, stomach, shoulders and arms)
    • Lift weights, do push-ups, sit-ups and work with resistance bands
  • Bone Strengthening Activities:
    • Produce a force on the bones that promotes growth and strength, typically by impact with the ground
    • Jump rope, play basketball or tennis

Leading an active life can help increase feelings of self-worth, improve confidence, and motivate you to reach goals in every aspect of life.

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