Love Yourself First

February 26, 2016      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
Love Yourself First

In an increasingly busy society, people are accustomed to putting family, friends and work before themselves. However, it is important to remember that prioritizing personal well-being is the only way to offer the best version of ourselves to others. One way to do so is through self-affirmations. Self-affirmation is the practice of identifying and reinforcing one’s most important values and attributes. Recent studies found that practicing self-affirmation can help reduce stress and even boost problem-solving performance. Try the activities below to experience the positive effects of expressing kindness and support toward yourself!

  • Write encouraging messages on a small piece of paper and post them in various areas – a mirror, car dashboard, computer or nightstand.
  • Start the day by saying or writing down three great qualities you value about yourself.
  • Practice addressing negative thoughts immediately when they arise by replacing them with the positive.


ACI Specialty Benefits offers hands-on, high-tech solutions designed to impact the bottom line and meet the diverse needs of any workforce. ACI’s CORE Wellness specialists work directly with clients to custom-build a wellness program that engages employees and all family members, strengthens corporate culture, and produces measurable results. For additional health and wellness information contact a CORE Wellness Coach at (800) 932-0034 or email us today!
