Making the Healthy Choice the Easiest Choice

January 6, 2015      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
Making the Healthy Choice the Easiest Choice

Many Americans make New Year’s resolutions to improve their health. However, it may be a general consensus that this is easier said than done. When striving to achieve healthy habits, it is equally important to unlearn unhealthy habits by making the healthy choice the easiest choice!

Out of sight, out of mind – Whether it is a bag of chips, soda, or frozen dinners – start by
removing unhealthy foods and triggers from your home or hiding it in the back of the fridge or shelf. If removing your triggers is not an option (if it affects others in your household), hide unhealthy triggers in hard-to-reach areas or store snacks that prompt overeating in opaque containers.

Replacement Therapy – Once you remove your triggers, you can replace them with healthier alternatives. You could replace fried chips with kale chips or lightly salted whole-grain crackers, soda with sparkling water, or a cookie jar with a fruit bowl. Replacing unhealthy items in your house makes healthy choices the easy choices!

Preparation is key – Preparing for healthy habits prevents you from having an excuse to not make healthy choices! Have your gym shoes and workout clothes readily available by the door or in your car. This way, you are already a step ahead in the morning! You could also chop up fruits and vegetables ahead of time so that you could save time when trying to have a healthy snack on-the-run.