Find Your Personal Meditation Style!

September 1, 2015      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
Find Your Personal Meditation Style!

Meditation is a practice that encourages drawing total focus and awareness to the present moment without judgment. Studies suggest that meditation supports the immune system, lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol, and stimulates areas in the brain associated with positive feelings. The mind is like a muscle, and meditation is like exercise for the mind. The more one practices meditation, the easier it becomes, and the more profound the results. Experiment with a few of the techniques below until you find one (or a combination) that resonates with you so that you are inspired to return to it regularly!

Deep Breathing: Focusing on the breath keeps the mind from wandering and also helps to calm your heart rate and stress levels. Focus on the rise and fall of your belly with each deep inhalation and exhalation.

Visualization: The mind is highly influenced by the eyes. Visualization involves turning the eyes ‘inward’ by picturing soothing images of nature, which creates a relaxing and peaceful setting for the mind and breath to follow.

Mantra Meditation: Mantra meditation involves repeating a sound, silently or out loud, to help quiet the wandering mind. A mantra can be one word or full sentences.

Moving Meditation: Moving meditation involves bringing mindfulness to motion. Rather than focusing on images or a mantra, focus on the sensations of your body. This style is ideal for those who have difficulty with restlessness.