Myths About Strength Training

March 9, 2015      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
Myths About Strength Training

Low-intensity exercise burns more fat than strength training.

Although low-intensity exercises like running or cycling uses fat to fuel muscle activity during workouts, full-body strength training stimulates the increase of lean muscle, which burns calories even when the body is at rest.

Lifting light weights with high repetitions is the best way to “tone” muscle. 

Light weights are useful in gaining muscle definition if the muscle is worked to fatigue, which means that you are not able to perform another single repetition. Lifting light weights for 12 repetitions is not enough to tone muscles if you are able to do a 13th repetition.

Women who use weights will have muscles that are big and bulky.

An extra day of strength training will not instantly result in bulky muscles. In order to achieve the physique of a female bodybuilder, it can take lifting weights 5-6 days a week in addition to increasing daily caloric intake.

Click here for ideas on how to incorporate strength training in to your fitness routine.

