5 Ways to Cultivate Peace at Your Desk

September 22, 2015      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
5 Ways to Cultivate Peace at Your Desk

Here are five quick tips to reduce stress and build balance while at work:

  1. Just Breathe – 
    Set a calendar reminder for a ‘Breath Break’ every hour. Take three long, deep breaths, and feel instantly relieved.
  2. Let There Be Light– 
    Open the blinds! Daily exposure to natural light is great for physical and emotional health.
  3. Stop and Smell the Roses –
    Spritz some aromatherapy sprays for an instant mood booster.
  4. Go Green –
    Perk up your work space with vibrant green plants and a photo of your favorite outdoor space.
  5. Take Your ‘Desk’ With You –
    Bring your meeting, project, or conference call outdoors. Walking meetings are becoming more popular, widely acceptable, and there’s nothing wrong with breathing in some fresh air!

Sources:  Chopra.com

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