December 13, 2016      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being

Setting an achievable goal for the New Year can be hard. The S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound) goal-setting process makes it easy to clarify and accomplish goals. Follow these guidelines to make any 2017 goal a reality.


Make sure goals are precise and stated in performance terms. For example, if a goal is to improve athletic performance, the goal might be “complete a 10K race in the next three months.”


A goal is measurable when it is easy to determine if it has been accomplished. The 10K race goal listed above is easily measured. Three months from now a 10K race will be ran. A better goal is to “complete a 10K race in the next three months in less than 90 minutes.”


Don’t set unattainable goals. Goals should be set high, but also be realistic. For instance, a new runner setting a goal to run a marathon in two months is both unrealistic and unsafe. Make goals challenging, but attainable.


Don’t set a goal that isn’t motivating. Goals should be personal and of importance. A goal to eat more nuts wouldn’t be appropriate for someone with a peanut allergy.


Make sure each goal has a specific time frame for completion. This timeline allows a goal to be achievable. It also increases the likelihood that it will be accomplished. For example, a goal to lose 10 pounds in 8 weeks has a time frame.

