Soak Up Your Vitamin D

August 4, 2014      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
Soak Up Your Vitamin D

Some facts about Vitamin D from the ACI Specialty Benefits CORE Wellness team!

Did you know you can get one of our body’s most basic nutrients just from standing outside? Vitamin D is not only found in some of our favorite dairy products and vegetables, but can be absorbed in your skin by spending 10 minutes a day outside! Your skin can produce vitamin D chemically when it interacts with the suns rays and then stored in your body for when there is a deficiency. However, it is still important to make sure you are wearing SPF 30+ sunscreen to help protect you from the rays that can lead to certain cancers. Your challenge for the beautiful month of July is to get outside, be active, and soak up some vitamin D. Whether you are going for a run, hanging out by the beach or having a picnic at your local park; getting some rays is not only good for your mind; its good for your body!