Spooky but Safe: 5 Tips for a Scare-Free Halloween

October 19, 2016      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
Spooky but Safe: 5 Tips for a Scare-Free Halloween

Heading out this Halloween? While the holiday is a favorite among the college-aged crowd, partying can create hazards that go beyond ghosts and werewolves.

While celebrating this week with friends and local superheroes, keep these tips in mind to enjoy a spooky but safe Halloween.

Don’t go solo
The number one precaution to take when going out is to travel with a group of friends. Also make sure that when walking or driving to an unfamiliar gathering, the driver or leader of the group is sober and safe.

Be responsible
When festivities abound, it can be tempting to overindulge. But being out of control is never a good idea, and can seriously jeopardize safety. Act responsibly and enjoy the holiday in moderation.

Have a plan for getting home
Plan in advance how to get home or to a friend’s house at the end of the night. Coordinate transportation, and have a backup plan in case things fall through.

Wear a functional costume
Make sure costumes don’t affect mobility or preparedness. Even if a costume doesn’t have pockets, find a way to bring a phone, some emergency cash, and all necessary identification.

Trust your instincts
If you feel unsafe or uncomfortable at any point, trust your instincts and leave.

Have fun
Halloween is the perfect opportunity for a fun, and safe, break from routine.

Have a Halloween safety tip? Let ACI Specialty Benefits know. Send us a Facebook message or shoot us a tweet @ACIBenefits!