The Fiery Five: Energy Nutrients

June 5, 2012      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
The Fiery Five: Energy Nutrients

Feeling tired? Eat your energy food! These five key nutrients beat fatigue, improve your workouts, and fight disease.

  • Vitamin E: Found in naturally fat-rich plant foods like oils, nuts, and seeds.
  • Iron: Include a few servings of lean animal protein per day.  The redder a meat, the more iron it contains.  Beef and clams are richer sources than chicken or pork.
  • Potassium: Top potassium picks include baked potatoes, white beans, and tomato sauce.  Potassium helps muscles contract.  It also regulates fluid and mineral balance when you sweat.
  • Zinc:  A half cup of wheat germ or a cup of vegetarian baked beans provide a half day’s supply of zinc.  Zinc helps regulate metabolism.
  • Magnesium: Halibut, all-bran cereal, cooked spinach, and black beans are good sources of magnesium.  Magnesium is essential for energy production and muscle function.