Tips to Keep Your Lungs Healthy

August 10, 2015      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
Tips to Keep Your Lungs Healthy
Breathing is a subconscious activity that is often taken for granted. Its main function is to provide an essential nutrient to each cell in the body – oxygen. However, only 50 percent of the lungs’ capacity is used while at rest and during most daily activities. Similar to the rest of the body, like muscles and bones, the lungs can increase in endurance and capacity with increased movement and intensity of activities. Practice some of the following breathing techniques to unlock the potential of your lungs!

  • Deep Diaphragmatic Breathing – Slowly inhale while expanding the belly and lowering the diaphragm and lifting the upper chest. Then slowly exhale by letting the chest fall and lifting the diaphragm to completely expel the air.
  • Stay Hydrated – Staying well hydrated helps the lungs function better by keeping the mucosal linings in the lungs thin.
  • Be active – Regular moderate-intensity activity helps the lungs to build endurance and deliver maximum oxygen to the body.
  • Laughing therapy – Laughing strengthens abdominal muscles, increase lung capacity and improves mood.

For additional health and wellness information contact a CORE Wellness Coach at (800) 932-0034 or email us today!