Trick or Treat?

October 22, 2016      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
Trick or Treat?

Over the years we have seen many health food trends that promise to help you shed pounds and keep you lean. Find out whether those tips are tricks or healthy treats!

Diet Soda

TRICK! Drinking diet sodas is linked to metabolic syndrome and type-2 diabetes. Also, the calorie-free artificial sweeteners trick your body, leading to over-compensation with high-calorie foods later on. If you choose to drink diet sodas in moderation, make sure to balance diet substitutes with healthy calories to give your body the energy and nutrients it needs.

Coconut Water

TREAT! Coconut water is a healthy alternative for those with a sweet tooth. It is low in calories, naturally fat- and cholesterol-free, rich in potassium, and very hydrating. It is also packed with electrolytes and natural sugars which restores your blood pressure and provides energy.


TRICK! The majority of sushi rolls contain nutrient-poor white rice. Instead, opt for sashimi or ask to substitute with brown rice for fiber and a serving of whole-grains. Be aware of ingredients such as mayonnaise, cream cheese, or fried tempura that add extra calories and fat. Also keep in mind that just 2 tablespoons of soy sauce contains about 1500 mg of sodium – more than half of recommended daily amount!

Baked Potato

TREAT! Baked potatoes have a lot of healthy benefits including high fiber content, potassium and carbohydrates. For healthy toppers, add avocado and salsa instead of bacon bits and sour cream. Or switch it up by substituting a sweet potato for extra beta-carotene!
