Weights or Cardio?

April 22, 2013      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
Weights or Cardio?

If you’re keeping score in the debate over which part of your workout comes first, a new study seems to add a point in the column for cardio. About 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise before hitting the weights results in a bigger boost in testosterone levels. This study doesn’t end the debate, though. Follow the guidelines below to determine what’s best for you:

Weights before Cardio:

  • For greater gains in strength, power, and muscle mass
  • If your cardio of choice is something other than cycling as other cardio methods may cause more fatigue
  • If you’re doing complex moves or using heavy weights

Cardio before Weights:

  • If you like it better—it’ll help you stick to your plan
  • For older individuals who need a proper warm-up, aerobic activity before strength training can be sensible
  • If your main goal is to increase endurance

Source: Menshealth.com