5 Myths About Sleep and Exercise

June 5, 2012      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being

Sleep should be as simple as shutting your eyes, right? Hardly. Here are some common misconceptions so you can make the most of your next snooze and reap benefits from your workout.

1. Late Night Workouts Prevent Sleep:  Don’t worry if the only time to squeeze in a workout is at night.  Exercise also can have a calming effect.

2. Early Morning Exercise Is Best:  Early birds do not always get the best quality workout.  The best time to exercise varies from person to person.

3. Muscles Grow in the Gym Not in bed:  During sleep growth hormone production increases.  This helps repair and build muscles after training.

4. Naps Are For The Weak:  While naps can’t make up for inadequate nighttime sleep, a quick nap may improve mood, alertness, and performance.

5. Exercise Can’t Help Insomnia:  Combat sleepless nights by hitting the gym. Exercise can help with deeper sleep for a longer period of time, which leads to feeling restored the next day.