All About Whole Grains

March 10, 2014      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
All About Whole Grains

It’s no doubt that whole grains are good for you and help to prevent chronic diseases
such as heart disease, type II diabetes, and obesity. However, distinguishing the good
grains from the bad can be tricky. Looking at the nutrition label and ingredients list can be
very beneficial. Here are some things you should look for:

  • Term “Whole Grain”- Means that 100 percent of the original kernel is available. The whole kernel is where most of the fiber and nutrients are stored.
  • Check the Order- The first ingredient should be whole grains, but if sugar or trans-fat is second on the list it might be worth skipping. The higher the ingredient on the list, the more of it is present in the food.
  • Follow the 10:1 Ratio- For every 10 grams of carbohydrates, there should be 1 gram of fiber or more.
  • Whole Grain Sources- Oats, wild rice, quinoa, and whole grain pasta
