Best Shoes for Your Workout Routine

October 14, 2013      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
Best Shoes for Your Workout Routine

A good pair of shoes can make or break a workout.  Knowing which types of shoes to wear during your workout routine can greatly improve your experience and safety!

  • Group Classes– Whether its zumba or kick-boxing, group classes typically require a good cross-trainer that has a multi-purpose outsole, preferably a low-profile midsole, and breathable fabric cover.  Think lightweight and stable!
  • Weight-lifting– For maximum stability, you need a larger sole, stiffer sides, and a snug fit that doesn’t allow your foot to slip inside.  Think snug and sturdy!
  • Walking– Choose a shoe that is all-around supportive, breathable, and has extra cushion in the heel, which hits the ground first when walking.  Think supportive and heel cushion!
  • Running– Similar to walking, you want a shoe that is supportive and breathable, but has cushion throughout the length of your foot instead of just the heel.  Also, be sure to increase the amount of cushion support as you increase running distance.  Think supportive and overall cushion!
  • Hiking– For the rough and unpredictable terrain, hiking requires a lightweight boot with high sides for ankle-support that is preferably made with water-proof material.  Think ankle-supporting boot!
