How to Overcome Holiday Triggers

December 17, 2014      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
How to Overcome Holiday Triggers

Maintaining or losing weight is tough enough without the temptation of holiday indulgences! Prepare to overcome holiday triggers by asking yourself the following questions and assessing how you can change unhealthy behaviors with healthier responses.

1. What prompts my unhealthy behavior?
Do family parties tend to send you into binge-mode? Does the stress of wrapping gifts cause you to seek comfort in foods high in fat, salt, or sugar?

2. How can I reprogram my response to these triggers?
At family parties, try coordinating activities that are not food related like playing board games. Replace junk food in your house with fresh fruit and vegetables or whole grain chips so that the healthy options are your first options.

3. If I slip up, what will my plan of action be?
Don’t give-up when you slip-up! Acknowledge that you had a minor slip-up and quickly jump back on track. Curb unhealthy cravings 80% of the time and use the other 20% for purely pleasurable foods.