I’m a Wonderful Person

January 21, 2013      |      Posted on Posted in Total Well-Being
I’m a Wonderful Person

In the classic movie It’s a Wonderful Life, George found that the good deeds of his life were remembered by the people he’d helped and that he’d profoundly influenced their lives.

We don’t have to write the Great American Novel to be useful and important; the good news is that we all contribute more than we imagine to our family, friends, community, and ourselves.


  • To notice the many good things you do.
  • To learn to appreciate your talents and skills.
  • To remind yourself that you work hard and are worthy of praise.


Reflect back on your day:

  1. Think of one or two things you did that were helpful or that you were good at.
  2. Appreciate yourself for your talents and willingness to help.
  3. Realize that offering kindness, help, and support are all positive choices that you make.
  4. Even little things need to get done.  Appreciate yourself for not having blown them off.

Practicing self-appreciation not only reduces stress but also increases happiness.

Have any other tips for practicing self-appreciation? Share them with us on twitter @ACISpecBenefits, facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Google+.